09 - Love Story.mp3

More About me


Hi, my name is Claire. I love the color green in any shade, shape or form, I have a brother and a dog named Lexie.My brother's name is Luke, he is 8. I use to have a guinea pig his name was Zen. Instead of my dog eating my homework, she ate my guinea pig!

    I DISLIKE Justin Beiber and LOVE Taylor Swift! My friends at school say I am crazy to NOT like J.B. (as you probity call him.) I LOVE Taylor swift hopefully you can tell.     

      I am in sixth grade. I attend the same school as Hope Hannah Ruby and Steph. But, I do have a lot of other friends. Most kids are 11 when they are in sixth but I am not! I am twelve years old; Ruby is also twelve and in sixth grade. I'm not the only one! 




This is Zen.

 This is my pup Lexie!





My Favs


Animal: Frog

Singer: Taylor Swift

Song: Love story

CD of Taylors: Speak Now 

Hobbie: Writing

Food: Chex-mix

Candy: Candy-cane

Store: Abercrombie

 Place: Ocean

Movie:Last Song

Sport: Soccer and dance!!

Color: Green

Holiday: Christmas

Ice cream: Chocolate

Actress:  Sandra Bullock

Actor: Taylor Lautner

Book Genre: Mystery

Writer: Gorden Kormen

Season: all seasons


Weekly Post


Recently a lot has been going on.

       First, yesterday I went to a fashion show out dinner and desert. Some of the fashion was NOT fashionable at all.

        Next, not to long ago my brother broke his arm in June and now is back on the field playing  football.

        Then, have you ever been to CT? Well, i was there for a hole month, my uncle was getting married. We went to the beach a lot.

            Finally, one day me and my friend were listening to the radio and we heard a add about becoming famous, so we called the number. I got a addition. We went and the guy LOVED me. As soon  we got home we got a call back. A call back is the calls you to tell you "You made it through." The next day we went back again and the guy said " Okay, lets get started." He brought my mom into his office and told her that " Fame has its expenses." My mom was confusied and asked " Are you saying i half to pay?" The guy answered "Yes. 15000$" My mom walked out of the office and told me we are going home. When we got home she explained why we came home. And to day the guy still calls and asks for me.

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