On May 1st, the mastermind behind 9/11 was found dead! 9/11 was a tragic event that happened on 9/11/2001. Planes were taken control of by terrorists. They crashed into the Twin Towers, which toppled both of them, and luckily only a slice of the Pentagon. A third plane crashed into fields after protesters took control of the plane again. 9/11's masr=termind was Osama Bin Laden. He was killed during a gun fight. He's currently in the posession of the U.S., and was confirmed dead at approximately 8:45 PM. But the big question still remains-who killed him?

9/11 Coincidences

The tragic event was on the phone number for emergencies(9/11 and 911)

9 divided by 11 is 0.81818181.....The 8th letter of the alphabet is H. The first is A. So, 0.HAHAHAHA.....?